

The children and women of Nuba Mountains are very tired. I call to the international community to stop the bombing and the war in Nuba Mountains now!”

Jalila Khamis, Nuba woman activist, June 2011



Campaigners against female circumcision have scored a major victory with the approval by a United Nations committee of a resolution calling for a global ban on female genital mutilation (FGM).


Saudi Arabia has been accused of behaving like Big Brother after introducing technology that alerts male "guardians" by text whenever women under their guardianship leave the country.


Justice for Iran promotes and defends women’s rights in Iran and challenges impunity for sexual violence against women by the Iranian regime. Established in 2010 by the human rights lawyer and women’s rights activist Shadi Sadr, the organization works to raise public awareness and demand accountability for egregious women’s rights violations committed by the Iranian government.


WLUML-ICO team recently had the opportunity to meet with Samira Ibrahim, a brave young Egyptian activist. Our conversation with Samira was inspirational. She opened up about her background - where it all began - and about her exciting current work. Samira also spoke to us about the many forms of state violence that she has faced along the way.


Tehran’s Prosecutor has stopped all in-person visits in the women’s section of Evin Prison, according to opposition websites.


“Ensuring women’s and girls’ rights, eliminating discrimination and achieving gender equality lie at the heart of the international human rights system, starting with article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states unequivocally: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights…’


Access to state-provided abortion services has worsened since the Tunisian Revolution, according to the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (ATFD).


Bishops of the Church of England are holding an emergency meeting at the General Synod to decide how to respond to the failure of legislation that would have allowed women to join their ranks.


Some of EgyptAir's flight attendants started wearing the veil for the first time in the company's history on Saturday, following approval by the minister of aviation.