

‘It is appalling that virtually the only references to women relate to the home and family’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.


In the evening of June 2nd I found myself heading to Tahrir Square, in the heart of Cairo, with no interest in protesting. I really just wanted to check out the scene – by this point, I was frustrated by the fact that the Egyptian people were not united. Everyone seemed to be looking out for their own interests, rather than the interests of the country and its people.


My name is Rana Hadi and I am 24 years old.  I am in my fourth year of study at the Science College in Baghdad. I have always known that a human being has only one life. Yet I have had two, and I will share them with you.

My first life



File 1832

Mother of the martyr. I still feel the place where you used to sleep, I still hear your voice rising as you skip up the stairs quickly, "I need to have lunch quickly before I go out again,” I still feel your little fingers on my cheek…


Jubilant Palestinians have rejoiced at the historic - but largely symbolic - vote at the UN General Assembly in New York granting them non-member observer status.


Some people seem to be born with the ability to rouse the passion of crowds with speeches or compel youth to rethink their lives with a poem, but most talents are cultivated over years. Janan Abdu’s multi-faceted talent for advocacy, however, was hatched out of necessity when her husband, Palestinian activist Ameer Makhoul, was arrested and sentenced to nine years in an Israeli jail. 


This International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, we would like to celebrate the brave women of Bahrain, who combat all social and cultural barriers to defend their equal rights and work to achieve social justice and freedom. Bahraini WHRD impart valuable lessons in determination and resistance to their sisters worldwide.

Where does one begin when talking about Bahrain’s courageous women? It is difficult to decide where to start, and what to tell.


GENEVA – “Women and girls who are forced to marry find themselves in servile marriages for the rest of their lives,” warned United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Gulnara Shahinian, in a statement to commemorate the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, which is celebrated on 2 December. “They are deprived of their genuine right to make their own choice for their future.”


After the revolution, strolling around the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Mansoura or other big cities is never boring. Now like never before, you might run into marches, graffiti, posters and video projection that women political parties, groups and activists hold. Women activists have created many initiatives and campaigns to campaign for their rights. Daily News Egypt speaks to some of these emerging initiatives, their goals and activities, evaluates their impact and what it takes for them to reach their aims.


“I shall raise my voice. If I didn’t do it, who would?”

Malala Yousafzai