
Pakistan and the United Kingdom have agreed to set up a body in each country to assist those seeking legal assistance relating to the wrongful and illegal removal of children.
Two years ago, as the bombs began to drop, George Bush promised Afghanistan 'the generosity of America and its allies'. Now, the familiar old warlords are regaining power, religious fundamentalism is renewing its grip and military skirmishes continue...
The Taliban may be gone, but women in Afghanistan are still being arrested for 'moral' crimes.
On July 11, the African Union adopted the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, a supplementary protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
An Interview with Serra Sippel, Director of the See Change Campaign at Catholics for Free Choice, by Renu Mandhane.
Asghar Ali Engineer reports on a conference in Abuja, Northern Nigeria on Islamic penal and family laws and human rights.
More information on the campaign that seeks to repeal the Family law - or personal status law - that has, since 1984, institutionalised the inferiority of Algerian women for the last 20 years.
Empowering Girls and Young Women at Risk in Morocco is intended to be a comprehensive and practical guide to working with girls and young women at risk from a human rights based approach.
Parliament in Jordan has overwhelmingly rejected a proposed law imposing harsher punishments for men who kill female relatives in what are known as "honour killings".