
Women all around the world have warmly welcomed the award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer.
The Moroccan King, Mohammed VI, has announced a landmark reform to the law over women's position in the family.
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian campaigner for human rights.
The Experience of Sisters in Islam.
EU constitution, health policies and funding are all targets for Vatican lobby.
Draft Document Charts a Course Between Islamic and Secular Values.
The Afghan Women's Bill of Rights was drafted, signed, and presented to President Hamid Karzai by women leaders from every region of Afghanistan, who participated in the third annual conference of Women for Afghan Women (WAW).
The international community has failed to fulfil its promises to bring freedom and equality to the women of Afghanistan, Amnesty International said in a report released today.
After being finalised and presented by the 105 Members of the European Convention on 10 July 2003, the draft EU Constitution is now in the hands of the EU Council of Ministers - including representatives of the future EU Member States.
An Iranian woman is about to be executed for killing a police chief who allegedly tried to rape her, according to Amnesty International.