
Middle Eastern garments designed to cover a woman's face are "medieval" and "misogynist" symbols of extremism with no basis in Islam, a Canadian Muslim lobby group said Wednesday as it urged Ottawa to ban the burka and the niqab.
In February the Sudanese government legalized the Sunna form of FGM. The Council of Ministers dropped the 13th article of the 2009 Children’s Act which banned FGM to take into account the fatwa that distinguishes “harmful” circumcision from Sunna.
In silent public protest, the ‘Mourning Mothers of Iran,’ known locally in Tehran as the ‘Mothers of Laleh,’ stand together each week, on Saturday evening vigils in Tehran’s Laleh Park.
Egypt has embarked on a campaign to restrict the most conservative forms of Muslim dress after one Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi ordered a schoolgirl to remove her niqab, or veil.
On the day that Nigeria celebrated its 49th Independence Anniversary on 1 October 2009, Ms. Ushang was murdered for wearing trousers.
One Million Signatures campaign activist Jelveh Javaheri has been issued a six month prison sentence by Iran’s Revolutionary Courts for her participation in a peaceful protest on June 12, 2008.
Pakistan’s draconian “blasphemy” laws have come under renewed criticism since several Christians were killed this summer by a mob of Muslim fundamentalists in a pogrom-style attack.
The Human Rights Council concluded its 12th session by naming the first Independent Expert on cultural rights, Farida Shaheed, Director of Research at Shirkat Gah - Women's Resource Centre & longstanding council member of Women Living Under Muslim Laws.
An Islamic scholar is facing flak for not wearing the right beard. We must not let Wahhabism suffocate this island nation's identity, writes Maryam Omidi, editor of Maldives-based website Minivan News.
Palestinian women in one of Lebanon's largest refugee camps say that with no rights in the country or even within their own community, they feel they are treated "worse than dogs."