

You can read and download the Political Islam on Line article by Raouf Ebeid here


The National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) will facilitate a dialogue between President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the National Commission for Women's Protection to eliminate 154 bylaws considered to discriminate against women and minorities. Lemhanas governor Muladi told a discussion on the national perspectives of bylaws Thursday that many bylaws violated the Constitution and had created public controversy that could lead to the disintegration of the nation.


There is a paradox in Canadians' prized tolerance -- taken to its extreme, we inevitably will be asked to countenance the intolerable. Where that line is between tolerance and the intolerable is something that the courts are dealing with on several fronts. Polygamy is the most recent. Last week, B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong asked the Supreme Court of British Columbia to determine whether banning polygamy is a justifiable limit on the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom.


The Iranian Judiciary should end its harassment of women rights activists, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. At least 11 Iranian women’s rights activists, who are members of the One Million Signatures Campaign, have been summoned to the Revolutionary Courts for questioning by Judiciary and security officials in the past several days.


This paper authored by Ann Phillips and José Casanova addresses the relationship between religion, politics and gender equality through four aspects: (i) what authority, if any, states can cede to religious communities or groups without beginning to threaten gender equality; (ii) the informal impact of religions on attitudes and lives, beyond any institutionalized power; (iii) the possibilities and limits of internal reform; and (iv) the possibilities and difficulties of alliances between religious and secular groups.


We cannot deny the fact that female university graduates need work and a source of income, not to mention their need to gain the moral satisfaction that comes with employment. Otherwise, there would be no point in arduous study, going and coming from university and paying university fees if it would only lead to young women staying at home for fighting over jobs leftover for women. Why then give them an education in the first place?


Board members and the executive director at Americans Against Abuses of polygamy wish to express both shock and disappointment that the Bigamy charges against Yisrael Hawkins have been dropped and a plea agreement reached in the case.


In a sweeping move, courts officials have summoned a number of Campaign activists to the Revolutionary Courts. Campaign activists began receiving telephone calls over the past weeks to appear in the third security branch of the Revolutionary Courts. In turn, they requested written summons.


Kuwaiti women will be able to obtain their own passport without the consent of their husbands, following a ruling by the country's constitutional court. While The Kuwaiti Constitutional Court [official website, in Arabic] ruled that female lawmakers are not required to wear the hijab, or traditional Muslim headscarf.


‘Give peace a chance’ may just be another cliché for many, but for women who have suffered the ravages of war, endless strife and other forms of conflict, joining hands to find meaningful solutions to their collective aspiration lends it a whole new meaning. "For 5,000 years women have been sitting in ‘jirgas’ (tribal councils), at least in Afghanistan. We have ‘jirgas’ all over Pakistan’s tribal areas also, and we thought why not introduce this concept?"