Activists have welcomed a ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the new constitution of Somalia – a country where 96 percent of women undergo one of the more extreme forms of the practice – but warn that translating the law into action will require more than just a legal declaration. 

Egypt’s New Women Foundation said they are suing Islamist Parliament member Azza al-Garf over her pro-female genitals mutilation (FGM) statements. The women’s rights foundation sent a letter to the speaker of parliament Saad al-Katatny, informing him of legally going after Garf and asking for his permission to be allowed to take the MP to court.

DAKAR - Human rights campaigners who have been struggling for years to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) in West Africa got a boost this week as news emerged that a group of Muslim clerics and scholars in Mauritania had declared a fatwa, or religious decree, against the practice.

Indonesian authorities must immediately repeal the newly issued government regulation permitting female circumcision (‘sunat perempuan’), and instead enact specific legislation with appropriate penalties prohibiting all forms of female genital mutilation (FGM). The new regulation legitimizes the practice of female genital mutilation and authorizes certain medical professionals, such as doctors, midwives and nurses, to perform it. The new regulation defines this practice as “the act of scratching the skin covering the front of the clitoris, without hurting the clitoris”. The procedure includes “a scratch on the skin covering the front of clitoris (frenulum clitoris) using the head of a single use sterile needle” (Article 4.2 (g)). According to the new regulation, the act of female circumcision can only be conducted with the request and consent of the person circumcised, parents, and/or guardians.

Le réseau international de solidarité, Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) et la campagne "Violence is Not our Culture" (VNC), continuent à appeler à un procès juste pour deux femmes défenseurs des droits humains, membre de conseil de WLUML, Dr Isatou Touray, et Amie Bojang-Cissokho. 

Dr. Isatou Touray and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho are, respectively, the Executive Director and Program Coordinator for the Gambia Committee for Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP), and have for many years been active in the promotion of gender equality, rights of women and children, particularly in the fight against female genital mutilation and other discriminatory practices. In May 2010, the Presidency set up a commission of investigation into the allegation that GAMCOTRAP had been mis-managing donor funds from an organization called Yolocamba Solidaridad.

Former Solicitor General Amie Bensouda has expressed dissatisfaction with the way, and manner the police investigated the GAMCOTRAP alleged theft case saying that the work of the police was the least satisfactory.  She told a court in Banjul that the police investigations were improper. Lawyer Bensouda argued that Gamcotrap is not a central bank licensed micro-credit organisation, and therefore not legally permitted to give-out micro-credit, as alleged by the state. But  the state witness maintains that he did not know that a central bank license is required for one to operate a micro-credit.

أعلنت مشيرة خطاب، وزيرة الأسرة والسكان، عن وجود مساع مصرية بالتعاون مع عدد من الدول لاستصدار قرار من الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة بتجريم ختان الإناث. وأكدت الوزيرة في تصريحات صحفية السبت، نجاح جهود مصر في حشد رأى عام دولي مناهض لختان الإناث، وداعم لجهود الدول الإفريقية «التي تعانى من هذه الممارسة غير الإنسانية وتسعى للقضاء عليها»، لافتة إلى أن هذه الجهود  أثمرت عن الإعلان الذي نشر بجريدة «هيرالد تريبيون»، لمناشدة الحكومات العمل من أجل اتخاذ الإجراءات الواجبة لوقف هذه الممارسة، مذيلا بتوقيع عدد كبير من الشخصيات الدولية المرموقة.

Though the Indonesian government banned female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) four years ago, experts say religious support for the practice is more fervent than ever, particularly in rural communities. A lack of regulation since the ban makes it difficult to monitor, but medical practitioners say FGM/C remains commonplace for women of all ages in this emerging democracy of 240 million - the world’s largest Muslim nation. Although not authorized by the Koran, the practice is growing in popularity.

Egalité Maintenant et le Comité inter-africain sur les pratiques traditionnelles affectant la santé des femmes et des enfants (IAC) va organiser une réunion régionale de parlementaires et de chefs religieux pour développer des stratégies afin de faire passer une loi interdisant les MGF au Mali. La dite réunion est prévue le 14 septembre 2010 à Bamako et sera suivie d’une conférence de presse le 15 septembre 09:30 à l’hôtel Azalai Nord Sud. Après une session de partage d’informations et d’échange des meilleures pratiques, les parlementaires visiteront le Ministère de la promotion de la femme, de l’enfant et de la famille pour plaider le passage immédiat de la loi.
