
File 3659


On the fateful afternoon of Friday 27th October, in the southern district of Saakow, Habiba Ali Isaq, a 30 year old mother of eight children, was stoned to death for alleged adultery against her husband, Ali Ibrahim. According to her husband, Isaq was living in Hagar village in Jubbar with her children when she left her marital home to Mogadishu to visit relatives. Ibrahim claimed that his wife then got married to another man in a different village named Nus Duniya after disappearing for 18 days.

أشاد الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون الخميس بقرار الحكومة الصومالية تشكيل برلمان جديد هذه السنة يتألف من مجلسين تشغل النساء 30% من مقاعدهما.

وقال بان في بيان ان هذا القرار "يمهد الطريق امام عملية انتقالية نحو نهاية ولاية المؤسسات الراهنة".

واضاف ان البرلمان الجديد لن ينبثق عن انتخابات عامة مباشرة بل عن انتخابات ستجري "على أساس شمولي وتمثيلي" لجميع اطياف المجتمع بما في ذلك النساء اللواتي "سيشغلن 30% من هذا البرلمان الجديد".

This submission references Shari’a, international human rights law, and the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia (PFC) to condemn human rights violations in Somalia. Although the Somali Government has implemented measures to foster the protection of human rights, Somalia maintains its highly critical human rights record, which requires greater national and international attention.

by Abdifatah Hassan Ali

In 2012, the Somali government released a statement ordering IDPs living inside Mogadishu to move out of the city. At the time, the majority of IDPs were living in government-owned buildings which have not been maintained since the collapse of the government and the breakout of civil war in 1991. A minority voluntarily evicted the area while many fell victim to forceful eviction, all were not provided with alternative housing even though the government promised resettlement plans but that promise still remains unfulfilled. Apart from that, in most cases, the evictees are not provided with official written notice and enough time to vacate the area and as a result their properties are destroyed.

(نيروبي) – قالت هيومن رايتس ووتش في تقرير أصدرته اليوم إن على الحكومة الصومالية الجديدة أن تتبنى إصلاحات ملموسة من أجل مواجهة العنف الجنسي المتفشي. على مدار العام الماضي تعرضت السيدات والفتيات لمعدلات عالية من الاغتصاب والتجاوزات الجنسية، بما في ذلك من قِبل جنود حكوميين، في مقديشو عاصمة الصومال.

NAIROBI/MOGADISHU, 25 February 2014 (IRIN) - Sexual and gender-based violence is a major issue in Somalia, especially for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in south and central Somalia. A Mogadishu-based NGO working to protect women and children, Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC), has recorded more than 2,000 survivors of sexual violence in Mogadishu since it was set up in July 2012. 

This volume looks back at a wealth of women’s peacebuilding practice documented by Accord since 1998. Case studies from Cambodia, Sierra Leone, northern Uganda, Papua New Guinea–Bougainville, Northern Ireland, Angola, Sudan, Indonesia–Aceh and Somalia (presented in the chronological order in which the original Accord issues were published) shed light on what women peacebuilders have done to overcome conflict and the challenges they encountered. The cases reflect women’s practice in particular contexts yet also provide general insights for peacebuilding practitioners and policymakers – insights into what women peacebuilders can achieve and how they can be effectively supported in their efforts.

أفاد مكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية، أوتشا، أنه تم الإبلاغ عن 800 حالة من حالات العنف الجنسي والقائم على نوع الجنس في العاصمة الصومالية مقديشو خلال الأشهر الستة الأولى من العام الجاري. ولا تزال النساء والفتيات النازحات داخليا الأكثر تضررا.ويقول مكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية إنه غالبا ما ترتكب جرائم الاغتصاب على أيدي مسلحين مجهولين ورجال يرتدون الزي العسكري.

Asha Hagi Elmi is a humanitarian activist, internationally recognised for her work helping to build peace and defend the rights of women in Somalia. Witness journeys with Asha to the refugee camps of Mogadishu, swelled to bursting point in 2011 by tens of thousands of Somalis fleeing drought and the threat of famine.

Asha, her sister Amina and other women from the NGO she founded, Saving Somali Women and Children (SSWC), distribute food, clothing, medical and practical aid, lend an ear to the refugees' stories and, most of all, attempt to restore dignity to the lives of the often traumatised and extremely vulnerable women and children they meet in the camps.

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