[violence] general

Malala Yousafzai was attacked on her way home from school in Mingora, the region's main town.Nominated for an international peace award, she came to public attention in 2009 by writing a diary for BBC Urdu about life under the Taliban.

In this new document, Amnesty International presents the case for incorporating human rights laws and standards in the prosecution of rape and sexual violence in international and national courts. In particular, the International Criminal Court (ICC) must do so as a requirement of its own statute.

تزامنا مع حملة الستة عشر يوما لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، شاركت اكثر من ثلاثين منظمة انسانية ونسوية تعنى بحقوق الانسان وشخصيات ثقافية مختلفة، بتاريخ 25 تشرين الثاني 2010 في الاعتصام الذي اقامه "تجمع لا للعنف ضد المرأة"، امام مبنى محافظة كركوك، حيث شاركت ممثلة جمعية الامل العراقية بالاعتصام معهم. لأول مرة في تاريخ كركوك يحدث اعتصام يطالب بحقوق المرأة المغبونة بدون تدخل اي جهة سياسية، ضم فيه كافة القوميات والمنظمات من مختلف مناطق كركوك.

 The following text is a statement by Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, made in a Side Event sponsored by Women’s UN Report Network, Worldwide Organization for Women and NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva and delivered at the UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva, on 15 September 2010:

On 18 June 2009, the UN Human Rights Council approved five candidates for special procedure mandates, including new Special Rapporteurs on the independence of judges and lawyers and on violence against women.
18 juin 2009: Le Conseil des droits de l'homme a procédé ce matin à la nomination de deux Rapporteurs spéciaux et de trois membres de Groupes de travail.
"Being an Egyptian woman is to accept sexual harassment as daily routine, according to a recent report from the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR). The study outlines, 60% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women are harassed on a daily basis."
26 June is the day declared by the United Nations to extend support to victims of all forms of torture and degrading treatment, and to speak out against these forms of violence.
La population de Mingora s'inquiète des accords de paix signés entre les autorités pakistanaises et les talibans installés par la force. Ils font souffrir les femmes.
Sans compter les agressions subies dans leur cadre familial actuel, 6% des femmes ayant entre 18-59 ans ont été l’objet d’injures sexistes en 2005 ou 2006, 2,5% ont été agressées physiquement et 1,5% a déclaré avoir subi un viol ou une tentative de viol.
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