
LONDON — The Nobel Peace Prize for 2011 was awarded on Friday to three campaigning women from Africa and the Arab world in acknowledgment of their nonviolent role in promoting peace, democracy and gender equality. The winners were Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf — Africa’s first elected female president — her compatriot, peace activist Leymah Gbowee and Tawakul Karman of Yemen, a civil society campaigner.

Address: P.O. Box 10-1061, Monrovia

Tel: (+231)-22 68 56; (+231)-22 61 87

Contact: Mrs. Ellen George-Williams, Vice-president

Nous représentantes de diverses organisations de la Société Civile Africaine réunies au Forum Mondial pour la Revue de Beijing 15 ans après et représentant les voix des millions de femmes et jeunes filles Africaines, Apres avoir eu des consultations avec différents acteurs avant et pendant le Forum Mondial des ONG sur les progrès enregistrés dans la mise en œuvre de le Déclaration et la Plate Forme d’Action de Beijing en Afrique,

29 March to 27 April 2010 (Global): The witchcraft epidemic in Africa is fueled by religious extremism. Practitioners of traditional African religions, traditional healers, witch-doctors and Christian missionaries and religious leaders incite witch-hunts on this continent. There are comparisons to be made between Africas current witch-craze, European Inquisitions and American witch-hunts. Perhaps the lessons to be learned in Africa are the same as those that needed to be learned by Europeans and Americans; there is no culture without human rights. All men and women, including Witches, have the right to live without being falsely accused, assaulted, persecuted or murdered.

Les femmes libériennes victimes de viols sont de plus en plus nombreuses à parler de leur expérience et à chercher de l’aide, à mesure que la prise de conscience de leurs droits augmente. Mais la persistance des tabous sociaux fait que même si elles réclament justice, elles ne l’obtiennent pas toujours.

Thousands of women attended the International Colloquium for Women's Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security hosted March 7-10 by Finnish President Tarja Halonen and Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
The women’s rural network said a permanent presence of prosecutors devoted to rape cases is needed close to where they live to ensure cases are handled without delay.
Rape has been a tool of war in Liberia, but revised penalties may turn the tide.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa's first female president promised no rapist would go unpunished during her tenure.
Les femmes, au Liberia, sont les premières victimes des exactions des miliciens de tous bords.
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