Is Land Just for Men?

Critiquing Discriminatory Laws, Regulations and Administrative Practices relating to Land and Property Rights of Women in Sri Lanka, Colombo, Law and Society Trust. This is a review of national and provincial laws, regulations and administrative practices in Sri Lanka relating to women’s land and property ownership. This study attempts to understand practical situations and problems experienced by women. The aim of the review is to formulate amendments to reform gender discriminatory aspects in laws relating to land and property ownership. In order to achieve this objective, all legislation enacted since the British colonial period to date found in the statute books, amendments to laws introduced from time to time and by various legislative councils and the statutes have been scrutinized.  The study also  draws on empirical evidence gathered from a 4 province field study in Sri Lanka on gender perspectives of property ownership.

Pinto-Jayawardena, Kishali and de Almeida-Guneratne, Jayantha
Publisher and location: 
Law & Society Trust, Colombo, Sri Lanka