
10 résultats

The WRRC Programmme helped support the participation of VNC partners to the fourth WLUML Feminist Leadership Institute in Senegal in 2009, which was a two-week long training institute which brought together WHRDs from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and diasporas with sessions on media, human rights, rights within Islam, sexuality, and advocacy in Muslim contexts.


This Meeting was Part 2 of the Evaluation Process of the SWG.  Part 1 was the answering and compilation of the responses to a questionnaire with evaluative questions for:


The Workshop - one of the activities of the SWG Year 3 Workplan - was for Asian project partners and SWG members. Another Workshop was organized for African project partners and SWG members in December 2011 in Lagos, Nigeria.


This project was implemented by Women Workers Help Line (WWHL), an organisation that has been working in Pakistan to promote women’s social, political and economic rights, including campaigns for the repeal of all discriminatory laws against women. In this project, WWHL provided capacity building, leadership training and knowledge dissemination for women peasants, for whom land rights are closely linked to issues of food sovereignty. A charter of demand for women’s rights to land and property was drawn up after consultations with different stakeholders, social movements and NGOs.


This project was implemented by Human Angle, an organisation that has been working in Nigeria to protect the right of widows to inherit their deceased husbands’ estate, without being dispossessed by their in-laws. Human Angle uses the following ways to achieve this aim:


BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights hosted the Sexuality Workshop held for African Partners from December 12-16, 2010 in Lagos, Nigeria. A total of 18 partners including one logistics person were in attendance. The overall workshop objective was to consolidate the projects executed by African Partners under the MDG 3 grant awarded to Women Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and Institute for Women’s Empowerment (IWE), discuss ways forward and build synergies across different countries implementing the project. The following planned outcomes were achieved from the project:


BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights (Nigeria) in collaboration with the Association for Progressive Communication (South Africa) - with support from Women’s Living Under Muslim Laws - convened a Capacity Building Training for the Women Reclaiming & Redefining Cultures (WRRC) working group members on Strategic E-Campaigning from June 7th – 9th 2010 in Lagos, Nigeria. Nineteen women from Nigeria, Senegal, The Gambia, London, Niger, Canada and Sudan participated in the training. 


The Strategic e-Campaigning Workshop was held in Asia as part of the Violence is Not Our Culture campaign being managed by the Women Redefining and Reclaiming Culture Programme (WRRC) and the Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network.


The Regional Coordination Office for Africa and the Middle East of the Women under Muslim Laws Network (WLUML-RCO/AME) organized a workshop on the topic of sexuality and sexual rights in Rabat, Morocco from May 5-8, 2009.  This regional meeting, which examined the issue of “Sexuality and Sexual Rights”, drew some two dozen participants from a wide range of countries, including Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda, RDC Congo, Lebanon and Pakistan.


In 2010-2011, Salmmah Women’s Resource Center in Sudan followed up on their previous year’s project under WRRC on sexual harassment, which had aimed to raise awareness, collect baseline data, inform policy makers of the underlying contributing factors, and suggest examples of measures to adopt for effective remedy.