One of the outcomes of the workshop on Women’s Access to Land, organized by the International development Research Center (IDRC) and Dimitra in Mbour in 2008 is the establishment of an ambitious action research programme designed to improve and safeguard women’s access to land in Senegal. It is being coordinated by the Group d Recherche Action Sur le Foncier au Senegal (GRAFOSEN – Senegal Land Action Research Group). This initiative aims at creating close cooperation between all actors on the land issue and to establish a platform for actors. The overall objective is to identify and facilitate the establishment of conditions for the application of laws and regulations on land management in Senegal, as well as the preconditions for inducing changes in the application of customary law and religious to facilitate securing women's access to land. Specifically, the project provides a comprehensive diagnosis of the issue of women's access to land by identifying constraints to the implementation of laws and regulations and their interaction with the customary and religious law in creating conditions and spaces for the dissemination and perpetuation of acquired research through a partnership between various stakeholders to strengthen advocacy and legitimate actions.