WRRC Bibliography

The study seeks to identify the overall impact of tribal jirga system on the cases of karo kari in Sindh. Major findings of the study show that the codes, rules, regulations as well as verdicts of tribal jirgas are opposed to not only the formal law and the constitution of Pakistan but...

A Roundtable on Strategies to Address ‘Honour Crimes’ was held in London from 12-13 November 1999.

Rural Women’s Access to Land and Property in Selected Countries. Progress Towards Achieving the Aims of Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. This study provides information on the historical background to the Convention and its...

Pastoralists in Niger are mobilising in an attempt to affirm their rights to home grazing territories. Their associations will be involved in consultations about the draft Pastoral Code, which should be written over the next three years, and it is their hope that this opportunity to re-examine...

The focus of the workshop, and of this report, is on the policy and legislative challenges raised by the commons in an era where many vocal actors see privatisation as the only way forward. Such challenges are examined at different levels: local (local agreements for the shared management of...

This summary of Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR) issues in Senegal is part of a series of LTPR Country Profiles produced for USAID. The profile includes information on property rights and tenure concerning land, forests, freshwater, and minerals, as well as an aggregation of LTPR-related...

Women in Senegal face immense obstacles to individual land acquisition and control. Land inaccessibility is a problem that leads to limitations on women's economic productivity and food security. Women in Senegal can access land through associations and groups of women, but this is not...

This report - in consultation with the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) - is structured in a way that will help the Committee as well as other general public to understand the actual practice of torture in Indonesia. It also...

This book is an update on the issue of Shari’a law in Nigeria, written for the purpose of documenting the genesis of its implementation and the roles being played by Baobab for Women’s Human Rights and other notable NGOs in seeking justice for some of the victims of the new Shari’a Acts in...