WRRC Bibliography

WLP à pour but le leadership et le pouvoir d’action des femmes. WLP construit des réseaux en travaillant avec 18 organisations partenaires dans le Grand Sud, particulièrement dans les sociétés à majorité musulmane afin de donner aux femmes la possibilité d’améliorer leur vie de famille, leurs...

This publication documents the unique customary land holding patterns in the East of Sri Lanka which became invisible from national policy discussions on resettlement following the tsunami disaster of 2004 as well as advocacy efforts by the Women’s Coalition for Disaster Management (WCDM) based in...
This guide is a summary and comparative analysis of the research series on urban land and housing policies and gender, commissioned by the Land and Tenure section of the Shelter Branch of UN habitat between 2004 and 2005. This research comprised of regional reviews of selected Latin American...

The study examines Tsunami Housing Policy of April 2006 which provided guidelines to allocate a house for a house, which in practice meant that male heads of household received the certificate of ownership even when the property was originally owned by the women members of the family.

The presentation focused on the decision of the Religious Appellate Court of Jakarta which recognized women’s equal right to inheritance.

This publication discusses the experience of childbirth and the difficulties faced by women and children. It also gives statistics on trends in maternal mortality rates and the issue of birth control and spacing. 

One third of women in this study claimed to own land, and the prevalence of violence reported was low (13%), but the study highlights notions of patriarchy and social norms that operated in the context of Sri Lankan society, making women passive subjects to the violence inflicted on them. The...