Taliban militants blamed after 90 pupils poisoned in third attack on girls' school in three weeks.
Une centaine de jeunes Afghanes ont été hospitalisées mardi à la suite d'une intoxication au gaz dans une école de filles située au nord de Kaboul, la troisième attaque de ce genre en un mois, rapportent les autorités.
The high cost of walwar, or bride price, is preventing many young men and women from getting married.
Statement of Iranian Women’s Movement in Support of Women in Afghanistan Against their New Family Law. Also About 300 Afghan women walked the streets of the capital on Wednesday to demand that Parliament repeal a new law.
Declaration of the Participants of the international conference “Family Law and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries: Perspective and Lessons Learned”
C'est une loi particulièrement rétrograde pour les droits des femmes, "pire qu'à l'époque des talibans", selon la sénatrice afghane Humeira Namati.
Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai, has signed a law which "legalises" rape, women's groups and the United Nations warn.
There are indications that some Taliban groups fervently oppose the use of contraceptives and may start using the issue as a pretext to launch further attacks on health centres, experts say.
According to the local officials of Herat province, a 45-year-old woman committed self-immolation due to ‘poverty and mental pressures’.
Afghanistan has one of the highest percentages of female lawmakers in the world but their voices are rarely heard.
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