Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

More than one in three men surveyed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's war-torn east admits committing sexual assault, and three in four believe that a woman who "does not dress decently is asking to be raped", researchers have found.

Un gynécologue congolais connu pour son travail avec des victimes de violences sexuelles a raconté comment un ami réalisant vite, l’avait sauvé d’un assassinat en le payant de sa propre vie. Denis Mukwege,  qui a reçu de nombreuses récompenses et avait été nominé pour le prix Nobel de la paix, a échappé de justesse à la mort quand cinq gangsters en civil ont attaqué sa maison à Bukavu, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo, jeudi soir.

A Congolese gynaecologist known for his work with victims of sexual violence has told how a quick-thinking friend saved him from assassination and paid with his own life.Denis Mukwege, who has won numerous awards and been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, narrowly escaped death when five gunmen in civilian clothes attacked his home in Bukavu, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, on Thursday night.

Nous représentantes de diverses organisations de la Société Civile Africaine réunies au Forum Mondial pour la Revue de Beijing 15 ans après et représentant les voix des millions de femmes et jeunes filles Africaines, Apres avoir eu des consultations avec différents acteurs avant et pendant le Forum Mondial des ONG sur les progrès enregistrés dans la mise en œuvre de le Déclaration et la Plate Forme d’Action de Beijing en Afrique,

29 March to 27 April 2010 (Global): The witchcraft epidemic in Africa is fueled by religious extremism. Practitioners of traditional African religions, traditional healers, witch-doctors and Christian missionaries and religious leaders incite witch-hunts on this continent. There are comparisons to be made between Africas current witch-craze, European Inquisitions and American witch-hunts. Perhaps the lessons to be learned in Africa are the same as those that needed to be learned by Europeans and Americans; there is no culture without human rights. All men and women, including Witches, have the right to live without being falsely accused, assaulted, persecuted or murdered.

V-Day’s latest V-Moment comes to us from eight Congelese who are working every day to end violence against women and girls in the DRC.
Tens of thousands of women have been brutally raped in the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of an ongoing internal conflict.
Victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo are angered by the International Criminal Court's controversial move to drop all rape charges.
The focus on disarmament and reintegration of ex-combatants in the peace process "does not take into consideration the sufferings of women or the needs of women," said Dr. Yakin Erturk.
Prof. Yakin Ertürk, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on violence against women, its causes and consequences, delivered the following statement on 27 July 2007:
لَقِّم المحتوى