[violence] domestic violence

The members of the National Alliance for Legalizing the Protection of Women from Family Violence did not get the result they were expecting when the bill for the Protection of Women from Family Violence was listed number 1 on the Cabinet’s agenda.
On Wednesday, 10 June 2009, Sahdia Abu Sa'ad, from Deir al-Balah refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, was killed allegedly "to maintain family honor."
The National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRDs) organized a small ceremony on 7 June in Maitighar Mandala to commemorate Laxmi Bohara, Women Human Rights Defender, Kanchanpur who was murdered on the same date by her husband.
A Saudi judge told a conference on domestic violence that a man has the right to slap a wife who spends money wastefully and said women were as much to blame as men for increased spousal abuse, a Saudi newspaper reported.
Mashoor Basissy, MOWA’s director in the West Bank, brings a fresh male perspective to the growing problem of domestic violence against Palestinian women.
GVEI starts from the hypothesis that the existing systems of indicators of GV at the European level do not pay attention to the specific and multidimensional effects that violence against women has on women’s life.
UN agencies working in Syria are worried about high levels of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Iraqi refugee community.
Meurtres, passages à tabac, mariages précoces, violences sexuelles, la liste des atteintes aux droits des femmes est longue.
Despite the fact that there have been national guidelines introduced by the CPS in preventing violence against women, and also training for those who handle such cases, women are still being failed and the issue of victim credibility questioned.
According to the local officials of Herat province, a 45-year-old woman committed self-immolation due to ‘poverty and mental pressures’.
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