[mili]women and peace building initiatives

The narratives and experiences of women (Jewish and Palestinian) to expose hidden stories of protest, resistance and cooperation of women, that were marginalized and obscured by the dominant "male/heroic/militaristic” version of events of 1948.
Mi-mai, Palestiniennes et Israéliennes ont marché main dans la main pour la paix, reprenant des chants pacifistes en arabe et en hébreux.
A set of short chapters edited and introduced by Professor Haleh Afshar of the University of York (UK), and Deborah Eade, Editor of the international journal 'Development In Practice.'
Le 6 avril, les Femmes en Noir et des citoyen-nes serbes ont manifesté à Belgrade, scandant le slogan "Pas en notre nom, pas avec notre argent", contre le vote d'un soutien financier aux criminels de guerre.
Information on issues relating to women in Iraq from the website of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
The condition of Iraq’s women is a litmus test of the country’s movement towards civil rights and democratic governance.
Women’s peace initiative on the occasion of International Women’s Day
On the theme of women's equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peace-building.
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