[mili]women and peace building initiatives

Women in Black (WiB) is a world-wide network of women committed to peace with justice and actively opposed to injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence.
Despite the increasing importance that early warning systems are playing in identifying areas at risk of violent conflict and appropriate response options, gender still remains largely absent in conflict prevention and early warning programmes.
Israeli-Palestinian Peoples' Peace Campaign (IPPPC) declares that in both peoples there are majorities that believe in the possibility for peace based on ending the occupation, on two states for two peoples and on Jerusalem two capitals for two states.
The Democratic League for Women’s Rights in Morocco have organised a sit-in of international women at the border between Jordan and Palestine from 21 - 28 June 2002.
Suite à l’appel à la participation au sit-in international des femmes à la frontière jordano-palestinienne sous le slogan Contre la guerre coloniale et pour la paix dans la région.
South Asia's rich tradition of pluralism and tolerance must be upheld in total refusal of growing communalisation of politics which inculcates hatred for the "other."
Iraq, some women fear, is in danger of becoming a man's world. Efforts to establish an interim government that reflects the country's diverse ethnic and religious character are gathering pace.
Easy to access information for current WAO supporters as well as women and men who want to learn about the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and its oppression of the Palestinian people.
Un appel de la directrice du Centre culturel Khalil Sakakini de Ramallah.
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