United States

The Obama administration has brought some measure of sanity to public health policy, cutting most abstinence-only education funding from the 2010 budget. But abstinence organizations are not going away. In fact, they're getting organized.
Dr George Tiller's murder underlines there is no common ground with anti-abortion zealots.
The murder of a Pakistani-American woman forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the prevalence of domestic violence.
New Law Supports Equal Pay, But Contraceptives Financing Dropped From Economic Stimulus.
President Obama has lifted the Global Gag Rule that banned US funding for any international healthcare organizations that perform abortions or advocate for the legalization of abortion.
Les monologues de l'hijabi est sur le point de créer un espace pour que les musulmanes américaines se racontent leurs histoires.
The Hijabi Monologues resonates through the power of storytelling, by Sahar Ullah.
"Dire qu'il faut créer un canal pour de meilleures communication entre les Etats-Unis et le monde musulman, quel euphémisme au regard des tensions qui opposent aujourd'hui ces deux cultures!"
"The fact that I am a Muslim woman is incidental when it comes to this process. I'm judged based on the success I've had as a songwriter, the body of work I have produced and the awards I have won."
Two Roman Catholic women were just ordained in Minneapolis, joining a roster that is condemned by Rome. On another front, advocates who prefer to engage the Vatican on female ordination pursue a "Ministry of Irritation."
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