Law reform

"La révision du Code de la famille est impérative."
Translated excerpts from an interview with Alireza Alavitabar, published in the Farvardin 1382 (March 2003) issue of Aftab magazine in Iran.
There is an opinion that conclusion of the treaty of marriage predetermines the fact that the couple will eventually get divorced.
20 ans barakat! 40 ans ça suffit!
"20 years barakat!"* 40 years is enough.
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board proclaims that triple talaq is a social evil, but it is equally assertive that this social evil should not be removed by legislative reform.
A new family code in Morocco, known as the Mudawana, is having differing effects on women's rights in the Islamic kingdom and the disputed territory of Western Sahara, which falls under Moroccan rule.
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