Law reform

Nobel Peace Laureate Shrin Ebadi on Wednesday criticised Iran's new Islamic penal code, saying it remains unfair to women and uses an "incorrect" interpretation of Islam.
Enfin, un troisième volet, évoqué déjà dans le discours du Président, a trait aux droits de la femme.
Kuwaiti female activists yesterday called for more judicial empowerment pursuant to the policy of their involvement in national development alongside their male peers.
Bouteflika a tranché; Révision de la constitution et troisième mandat
Al-Azhar, la plus haute autorité de l’islam sunnite, estime qu’une épouse a le droit de frapper son mari en légitime défense, a rapporté lundi la presse locale.
Sunni Islam's highest authority has approved a woman's right to fight back if her husband uses violence against her.
Turkey's Constitutional Court defended its decision opposing Islamic headscarves at the country's universities.
"Women in the rural region of Deir al-Zur in northeastern Syria are being deprived of their rights to inherit property because local communities apply traditional custom and practice rather than national laws."
A controversial new Tunisian movie calls attention to how Islamic law determines the distribution of inheritances between male and female heirs.
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