Law reform

L'augmentation de l'âge légal du mariage est une véritable victoire dans le camp des femmes yéménites.
Although Yemen's parliament has agreed to set the minimum age for marriage at 17, there are concerns the decision may be rescinded as some members of parliament (MPs) say the amendments violate Sharia (Islamic) law.
The law stipulates that no marriage is to be carried out at any age without the consent of the woman.
The committee of Islamic Legislations and Sharia’a in the Yemeni Parliament has rejected a proposed Draft Law to increase the legal age of marriage to 18.
Les Algériennes sont désormais autorisées à transmettre leur nationalité à leurs enfants après la levée par l’Algérie de sa réserve sur un article de la Convention de 1979 sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes.
An increasing number of Muslim women are choosing to divorce their husbands rather than continue in a polygamous marriage, data from national Islamic courts show.

Depuis plus de deux décennies, les féministes débattent de l’impact et de la mécanique des forces politico-religieuses de l’extrême droite et se concertent sur les stratégies de résistance contre les fondamentalismes. Toutefois, en tant que féministes, nous n’avons pas encore développé une analyse cohérente des alternatives concrètes.

More and more Uzbeks are marrying according to the Muslim rite but without going through the civil registration process. Commentators note that unless a marriage is officially recognised, wives in particular enjoy few legal protections.
A law passed in November 2008 prohibiting female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the state of Southern Kordofan is unique in Sudan. But for it to translate into genuine abolition, deep-seated attitudes and misinformation will have to be overcome.
The leader of a polygamous community in western Canada who has admitted having numerous wives and dozens of children was arrested Wednesday [7 Jan. 2009] and charged with practicing polygamy, according to court documents and local officials.
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