United Kingdom

A Protestant evangelical pressure group has warned that it will try to use the government's racial and religious hatred law to prosecute bookshops selling the Qur'an for inciting religious hatred.
Salma Qureshi, a computer programmer and British Muslim, tells the BBC of her ambition to become one of the UK's first female imams.
Information on the Catholic Action Group (CAG), a small but very vocal conservative group in the UK, launched in 2005 and opposed to initiatives concerning sexual health and reproductive rights.
The Safra Project is a resource project on issues relating to lesbian, bisexual & transgender women who identify as Muslim religiously and/or culturally. The Safra Project ethos is one of inclusiveness and diversity. We welcome input from all individuals and groups seeking to combat all forms of prejudice.
Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, an MP of Jamaat Islami, Bangladesh, has long been reviled in his native Bangladesh as a purveyor of inflammatory hate speech.
Le réseau Femmes Sous Lois Musulmanes exprime ses condoléances aux familles de ceux qui ont été tués et sa compassion à ceux qui ont été gravement blessés dans les attentats épouvantables à Londres le 7 juillet.
For those of us living in London, the recent bombings in the British capital brought home the daily violence, the horror and fear of millions of people living in many places around the world.
Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader of the Muslim Parliament, told a Muslim conference in Birmingham, attended by over 3000 people, that they must confront extremism within their ranks if they wished to live in peace in Britain.
WLUML would like to share this first reaction from a Londoner to the 7th July 2005 bombings which is currently being circulated by e-mail. WLUML shares many of the concerns and analysis expressed in this letter.
The Women's National Commission (WNC) was awarded funding from the British Council to run an internship programme for women from Iraq representing the diversity of Iraqi regions, faiths, ethnicities, political and social affiliations.
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