Referensi bagi Hakim Peradilan Agama tentang Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Reference for Religious Court Judges on Domestic Violence)

This book’s aim is to encourage ‘alternative’ interpretations to and participate in the enforcement of justice with regards to domestic violence. Chapter 2 discusses the unequal relations between men and women, and gives historical background to the social construction of this inequality. Chapter 3 gives a detailed review of the understandings, causes, and forms of domestic violence. It also discusses domestic violence from an Islamic perspective – i.e. fiqh – and refers to the Qur’an and Hadith in its explanation of a religious view that grants justice for women. Chapter 4 addresses the issue of domestic violence within the framework of national legislation in Indonesia. The final chapter discusses the religious court rulings on cases of divorce and civil disputes, with regards to issues of domestic violence. [in Indonesian]

Abdul Kodir, Faqihuddin and Umm Azizah Mukarnawati [Ismail Hasani (ed)]
Publisher and location: 
Komnas Perempuan: Jakarta, Indonesia