UK: Karma Nirvana Launches 'Honour' Network

Honour Network
On Friday, April 11th 2008, Karma Nirvana will host a national conference to launch an Honour Network, help-line, website, posters and literature.
When: Friday 11th April 2008 10am – 3pm
Where: Kings Hall, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1RN, UK
People from across the UK are invited to attend the Karma Nirvana Launch of the 'Honour Network' a national network for victims & survivors of forced marriages & honour based violence.

The National FM/HBV Dedicated Help-line has trained Survivors will be answering the calls. It is a resource for all agencies, potential victims and survivors.

This conference / launch is unique in as much as male & female survivors themselves will be for the first time taking a platform to share their experiences and say why this network is important to them and to other potential victims of forced marriages & honour based violence.

On this day you will be the first to take away posters, leaflets, literature specially related to the network and the opportunity to hear more.

The conference is sponsored by Mo Chaudry, entrepreneur & star of the channel 4’s ‘Secret millionaire’ and is being held in partnership with Iranian & Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation and is supported by the:

* Crown Prosecution Service
* Forced Marriage Unit
* Association of Chief Police Officers

The day’s event will be opened by Vernon Coaker MP - Under-Secretary for police and security.

Mo Chaudry, Prominent Asian Business Man, amongst the top 100 Asian businessman in the UK, whose business interest range from finance to property to leisure, is the first high profile Asian Man to take a stand along side Karma Nirvana against the issues of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence.

Key Note Speakers include:

* Vernon Coaker MP, Under-Secretary for police & security
* Nazir Afzal, OBE, Director CPS, London West Sector - FM/Honour killing lead for CPS
* Commander Steve Allen ACPO FM/HBV lead
* Wayne Ives Government Forced Marriage Unit
* Jasvinder Sanghera - How to sign-post to the network, What it is about, why etc
* Mo Chaudry: “The Asian Male view and what we should do to counteract these practices”?

As well as being very informative it is also a celebration of survival & success after trauma and disownment.

Who will benefit by attending? Who should attend the conference?

* Anyone and Everyone!!
* Police and police authorities
* Probation services
* Health care providers / PCT’s
* Mental health workers
* Anyone involved in education, especially with relation to issues of minors and forced marriage
* Social services
* Voluntary sector providers
* CPS, Law Advocates
* Housing and Supporting People
* Members of domestic violence forums
* Anyone who has an interest in forced marriages / honour based violence and a remit to work with South Asian, Iranian, Kurdish, Afghani, Middle Eastern communities.
* Victims and Survivors

Karma Nirvana conferences and events are very popular and always over subscribed to avoid disappointment register early!! First come first served basis, limited places by registration only.

For more information please see here: