Bangladesh: New publication from Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK)

Ain o Salish Kendra
Human Rights in Bangladesh 2004 offers an analytical overview of the situation of human rights.
It provides a serious self examination of the fault lines in the system of governance and political culture that have aggravated violations of human rights by both state and non-state actors and allowed impunity to the perpetrators.
Contributions by well known academics and human rights activists to the chapters in this volume are useful tools for understanding the social environment that has continued to tolerate grevious lapses in human rights; they draw attention to citizen's mode of contesting such violations, in particular they resort to the media and the judiciary.

The volume includes an analyses of legislation and court directives that have implications for human rights; methods of law enforcement are critiqued as violating human rights standards. It records how the right to freedom of speech and information has come under threat and human rights defenders are under risk. These political conditions add to the vulnerability of marginal communities and create disparities which derogate from the social and economic rights of citizens.