WRRC Bibliography: دولي

Results 1 - 10 of 143

The Muslim Women’s League argues that the circumcision of girls, in any form, predated Islam by many centuries. It was practiced in some parts of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and was evidently a custom of the time that may have been a practice of some but not all of the local...

The Encyclopedia of Law and Society is the largest comprehensive and international treatment of the law and society field. The three volumes of this state-of-the-art resource represent interdisciplinary perspectives on law from sociology, criminology,...

The Muslim Women’s League argues that the notion of ‘honour killing’ is justified by a distorted and erroneous interpretation of religion, especially Islam. They state that theproblem of ‘honour killings’ is not a problem of morality or of ensuring that women maintain their own personal virtue;...

This is a Shia website that challenges Sunni doctrine. This document challenges the Sunni belief that there contains a “lost verse” on stoning. They cite several prominent and mainstream Shia sources:

This book investigates the complex relationship that women’s organisations working around violence have with the state, and the strategies and tactics the movements in Sweden and the UK have adopted. It considers the successes the movements have had in terms of service provision and policy...

This publication is based on a study about the need for interventions that successfully promote the abandonment of FGM/Cutting.

This book highlights the prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, Eritrea, Yemen, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Central African Republic. It gives an understanding of why the practice continues and attitudes regarding FGM. 

This brief paper is an effort to expose how patriarchal and distorted interpretations of Sharia have been used to subjugate women and rob them of their fundamental rights, in direct opposition to the central teachings of Islam. In this paper, the Muslim Public Affairs Council presents three case...

L’association permet de coordonner nos efforts pour mieux préserver les archives des associations et des militantes féministes : c’est l’affaire de toutes (et tous) : archivistes, historiennes, sociologues, personnes impliquées dans le mouvement associatif.