
Settling of interlocking conflicts cries out for new approaches.
The Africa Union on Friday urged its member states to put an end to the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), saying the ritual traumatised millions of girls and women on the continent.
Statement from the West African Women’s Right Coalition (WAWORC) recently formed in Banjul the Gambia to promote and advocate for the rights of women in West Africa using African Union mechanisms, in particular the African Commission and ECOWAS.

يحتوي هذا الملف على مجموعة مقالات تبحث قضايا تهم النساء في المجتمعات والبلدان المسلمة تتعلق بالهوية والسياسة وحركات التغيير والتحالفات.

German and Dutch people woke to a very different kind of 8 March commemorations this year.

In some contexts, such as Sri Lanka, women from the minority have been demanding positive reform in the existing separate legal system that is binding upon Muslims and in the Philippines an entire alternative Code has been drafted; in Israel, Arab women’s groups have focused on demanding access to the State Family Court, rather than reforming the Shari’a Courts).

Inside a mosque in sub-Saharan Africa's largest metropolis hangs a life-size portrait of Jesus Christ. Yet worshipers at "The True Message of God Mission" say it's entirely natural for Christianity and Islam to co-exist, even overlap.
In December 2005, West African religious and traditional leaders met with political officials and affirmed their commitment to eradicating female genital mutilation, saying that to abandon the practice is not to reject traditional or religious values.
Report back of the Muriel V. Roscoe Annual lecture given by Marieme Hélie-Lucas in November 2005.
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