
The first extensive examination of laws and policies that influence women’s reproductive health in five countries of the region: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Seats should be reserved for women in Arab parliaments so that they can play a greater role in the political sphere, delegates at a conference said.
The controversial question of Christianity returned to the EU when seven states, led by Italy, urged the union to recognise a "historical truth" and refer explicitly to the "Christian roots of Europe" in its new constitution.
Amnesty International lance une campagne mondiale pour mettre fin à la violence contre les femmes.
Foreign ministers have endorsed the concepts of democracy and human rights in a document prepared for approval at a two-day Arab summit in Tunis starting on 22 May.
The patriarchal notion that women’s bodies and sexuality belong not to themselves, but to their families and society, is reflected not only in customary practices, but is also sanctioned by the penal and civil codes in all of the countries in the region.
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