
Belgrade -- In February, representatives of the nongovernmental organization Women in Black will continue the action "Extradite Them!" throughout Serbia.
Every year since 1995, we have been standing on the Republic Square on the occasion of marking the massacre in Srebrenica.
Message from Jasmina Tesanovic, of Women in Black Belgrade, on 10th July 2004.
The Serbian Orthodox Church, as the religious community that constitutes the majority in Serbia and Montenegro insists on the need for increasing the birth rate and diminishing reproductive rights (particularly abortion).
Le 6 avril, les Femmes en Noir et des citoyen-nes serbes ont manifesté à Belgrade, scandant le slogan "Pas en notre nom, pas avec notre argent", contre le vote d'un soutien financier aux criminels de guerre.
On 6th April, Women in Black together with citizens of Serbia, protested under the slogan "Not in our name, not with our money."
[Belgrade, May 20th-August 5th, 1999]

The Kosovo crisis is at the heart of the decade long war drama of the late country that used to be called Yugoslavia. The symbolic sign of the scope of immensely shallow (mis)understanding of the dead country’s destiny is (for those of us who still remember) today painfully visible in CNN headlines: “War in Yugoslavia”.

What “Yugoslavia” the world is talking about today? The trick with people’s memory and amnesia is maybe unintentional, but it’s no less misleading.
9 of December ‘99

On 21st January 2000, Rajko Danilovic, Flora Brovina’s defence lawyer, filed an appeal against his client’ s twelve-year sentence. The appeal hearing was scheduled for 16th May 2000. The appeal called for the Supreme Court to either acquit Mrs. Brovina, or to release her on bail pending a retrial. Grounds for the retrial include violations of the due process during the trial hearings including a breach of the Serbian Code of Civil Procedure. On 7th June 2000 the Serbian Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of Mrs.
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