
"The reality for Iranian women is that the signs effectively say 'Men Only.'"

 11/10/2015 07:31 am ET | Updated Nov 12, 2015


Food security and hunger eradication are among the top priorities on the international agenda today in view of the impact on agricultural productivity of global economic crises, food price spikes, and climate change. The extent to which gender inequalities in general, and the gender gaps in agriculture in particular, thwart attainment of these twin priority goals is a key concern given the vital role of women smallholders in household and community food and nutrition security.

يتكشّف واقع السجون، بما فيها أماكن التوقيف الاحتياطي، عن العديد من المشكلات، لعل أهمها الاكتظاظ الحاصل داخلها، وارتفاع نسبة السجناء الموقوفين، وعدم وجود إدارة متخصصة للسجون.

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