[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

Confrontés à des menaces de mort et à des enlèvements, soixante-dix pour cent des médecins irakiens auraient fui le pays déchiré par la guerre. Ceux qui restent vivent dans la peur, souvent dans des conditions proches de l’incarcération.
Women had been fighting fundamentalism on the streets of London for years before The Satanic Verses, writes a member of Southall Black Sisters, Rahila Gupta, on Comment is Free.
Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist Hina Jilani says 'Fight Terror But Follow Due Process'.
"We have just avoided discussing or dealing with this matter head on. There has to be a culture change."
A call for equality and justice "in the Muslim family" is being launched by a group of Muslim scholars and activists who insist that in the 21st century "there cannot be justice without equality" between men and women.
In the week that rape-victim Mukhtar Mai faces interference in her case, women commemorate the day Pakistani women protested against the rescinding of women’s rights in the name of religion by a military dictator in 1983.
Azadi Stadium, the largest football stadium in Iran, was host to a group of four Iranian women audience members who were there to watch the South Korea vs. Iran football match this week.
An increasing number of Muslim women are choosing to divorce their husbands rather than continue in a polygamous marriage, data from national Islamic courts show.
Most of the 1,300 students – some with permanent scars on their cheeks and damaged vision – have returned to school full time.
Le pays connaît une période de tensions fortes et d’actes condamnables et odieux , tombes et synagogues profanées.
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