
In 2010-2011, Salmmah Women’s Resource Center in Sudan followed up on their previous year’s project under WRRC on sexual harassment, which had aimed to raise awareness, collect baseline data, inform policy makers of the underlying contributing factors, and suggest examples of measures to adopt for effective remedy.

To the people of Sudan: First we salute the bravery and grace of the young Sudanese women who came out and reported and gave evidence to the atrocious and savage sexual harassment they suffered at the hand of elements of Sudanese security organs. We address you today with a feeling of bitterness and anger for the gross violation of the constitutional and human rights of women and the low level of official treatment directed at them in Sudan. We have all seen and read in the media the statements of many women and how they were sexually harassed and intimidated and some were actually raped as a result of their participation in the peaceful demonstration instigated recently by Sudanese people demanding legitimate demands upheld by the constitution. They were faced by a brutal and inhuman treatment encompassed in the draconian and savage piece of law called (Public Order Law) and other Sudanese laws that degrades and disrespects the rights of women in particular and extend to all rights of Sudanese citizens.

الخرطوم في 9 مارس 2011 — نفذت قوات الشرطة السودانية حملة اعتقالات واسعة وسط ناشطات وحقوقيين تجمعوا بمدينة امدرمان الثلاثاء للاحتفال باليوم العالمى للمراة الذى يصادف الثامن من مارس فى كل عام والتنديد بالعنف الممارس ضد النساء فى السودان. وتبنت مبادرة "لا لقهر النساء" الدعوة للتجمهر بميدان المدرسة الاهلية القريب من منزل الزعيم السودانى المعروف اسماعيل الازهرى. ورفعت المحتجات لافتات تندد بالاغتصاب والاهانات التى تلاحق النساء فى السودان مطالبين السلطات الحكومية بالحد مما اسموه العنف ضد المراة

La police antiémeutes soudanaise a arrêté ce mardi plus de 40 femmes qui manifestaient contre les agressions sexuelles et les discriminations, ont rapporté des témoins. Les groupes de défense des femmes soudanaises avaient prévu cette manifestation contre les lois discriminatoires à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, organisée ce mardi.

Sudanese anti-riot police on Tuesday arrested and beat dozens of women activists shortly after they attempted to stage a protest in Khartoum’s twin city of Omdurman against the alleged rape of a young female activist last month and right abuses, manifesting Khartoum’s growing anxiety over dissent. Women protestors gathered in a public square in central Omdurman on Tuesday and lifted banners demanding the authorities to cease "violence against women," citing the case Saffiya Ishaq, a young female activist who appeared in a Youtube video last month accusing members of Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services of gang-raping her after she participated in anti-government protests late in January.

On International Women’s Day 2011, WLUML would like to share a few of the many successes and struggles of our networkers across the world: from Malaysia, Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt.

Rape and sexual assaults: the National Congress Party uses the weapons of the Darfur war against the women and girls of Khartoum. Tens of thousands of Sudanese women and young girls in Darfur and in the south of Sudan were exposed to crimes of gender based violence, including rape and sexual abuse that were practiced by the National Congress Party (NCP) for more than two decades. Now, and following the victory of racial and sexual cleansing policies which drove the South of Sudan to separation and could drive Darfur on a similar path, the regime of the NCP is employing the weapon of rape and sexual abuse against women and girls in their peaceful struggle. The NCP’s security forces targeted the women and young girls who took part in the recent demonstrations in Sudan, asking for justice, peace, democracy and an end to discrimination.

Les résultats du référendum sur l'indépendance historique du Sud-Soudan montrent que 98,83 pour cent des habitants sont en faveur de la sécession. Si la région accédera officiellement à la souveraineté le 9 juillet 2011, il reste malgré tout de nombreux défis à relever. 
Les observateurs estiment que ces questions doivent être abordées dès maintenant par les deux partis au pouvoir : le Parti national du Congrès (PNC), au Nord, et le Mouvement de libération du peuple soudanais (MLPS), au Sud. 

John Garang, the revered late leader of the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement, once said that women are the "the poorest of the poor and the marginalised of the marginalised". As the reality of an independent South Sudan approaches, the region's women have vowed they will not remain second class citizens. Margaret Michael Modi, the head of women’s affairs in Central Equatoria State, cast her vote on the first day. "The first day (of the vote) we did not sleep. I went to the polling station and women were crying as they cast their vote," she told IPS over the phone from the southern capital, Juba.

Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president, said the country would adopt an Islamic constitution if the south split away in next month's referendum, in a speech today in which he also defended police filming a woman being flogged. "If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity," Bashir told supporters at a rally in the eastern city of Gedaref. "Sharia [Islamic law] and Islam will be the main source for the constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language," he said.

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