
La situation de la communauté Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) du Bangladesh continue de se dégrader, suscitant des inquiétudes concernant sa sécurité.
The position of the Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) community in Bangladesh continues to deteriorate rapidly, raising grave concerns for their safety.
Bangladesh has banned publications by the minority Ahmadiyya movement amid demands from Islamic hardliners that it be declared non-Muslim.
But it is quite ironical that though fundamentalist forces have been systematically rehabilitated and encouraged through the two military governments it is through their participation in the pro-democratic movement and the support which they gave to a democratically elected government of 1991, that they emerged stronger than before.
Don't get me wrong. I understand as well as anyone the need to assert one's religious identity. There are times when you want -- when you demand -- to stand up and be counted.
I often wondered what kept many of my compatriots from knowing some of the true heroes in their own midst. Is it because we are less enthusiastic about knowing the achievements of a fellow citizen than finding about their scandals?
It is with the greatest sadness and profound shock that we are informing you that our dear friend Salma Sobhan of Bangladesh has died.
Religious fanaticism must be countered effectively.
In the last few months, the Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) community in Bangladesh has been subjected to repeated assaults on its mosques in several places and on individual members of the community.
Depuis ces derniers mois la communauté Ahmadiyya du Bangladesh a vu plusieurs de ses membres et ses mosquées faire l’objet d’attaques répétées dans plusieurs endroits différents.
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