
A leaked cable from the US embassy in Iraq to Condoleezza Rice shows the country falling apart and ruled by militias.
Two women peace prize winners — Jody Williams from the United States and Shirin Ebadi from Iran — have this week led a delegation of 10 civil society organizations from both countries.
You are invited to participate in workshops held on 20, 21 and 22 June from 11am-11pm at the ACAVA Studios in London in support of the vigil on 23 June.
According to official and NGO sources, more than 90 Iraqi women become widows each day due to continuing violence across the country.
Our war, through their eyes, is not a pretty picture. As they see it, war with Iraq weakens America and strengthens a mutual enemy -- Muslim fundamentalists.
Across central Iraq, there is an exodus of people fleeing for their lives as sectarian assassins and death squads hunt them down. At ground level, Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold on a massive scale.
On 22 May, Act Together: Women’s Action on Iraq invites you to a film, a series of talks and discussions about the realities of women’s lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. We want to go beyond the political rhetoric & fill a gap in the current media coverage.
The International Museum of Women (IMOW) and the IFOR Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) have an online exhibition focusing on the theme Culture and Conflict.
The invasion of Iraq heralded promises of freedom from tyranny and equal rights for the women of Iraq. But three years on, the reality of everyday life for women inside Iraq is a different story.
In the 'new Iraq' beloved of Bush and Blair, women can be arrested just for complaining.
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