
The International Gender Policy Network (IGPN) released an in-depth regional report on advocacy for development cooperation and gender for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Accélérer les progrès vers l’autonomisation politique et économique des femmes.
A leading Muslim academic has said there is evidence in the Koran that homosexuality can be compatible with Islam.
On 30 July, President Obama named 16 recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom, including Mary Robinson, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Le lobby américain pro-israélien AIPAC a protesté contre la décision de la Maison Blanche de décerner un titre honorifique "pour la liberté" à l'ancienne présidente de l'Irlande, Mary Robinson, connue pour ses prises de positions anti-israéliennes.

In this issue, we welcome the launch of the programme “Women reclaiming and re-defining cultures: Asserting rights over body, self, and public spaces”, a joint venture between WLUML and the Institute of Women’s Empowerment (IWE), which brings together women from the Muslim world to examine and discuss how systems of culture, tradition and religion, are used as instruments to legitimize their oppression.

Historically it has been sometimes assumed that secular and left-of-centre parties are more willing to promote women in politics, while conservative and religious parties limit women’s participation in politics and public life.
Conditions of financial dependency complicate women’s participation in politics and make the funding of political campaigns extremely hard.
SPW identified four themes associated with sexuality—state, religion, science, and economics—that it believed warranted further attention to advance the field of sexuality, intellectually and politically.
Over the last decade The Inner Circle (TIC) has discovered that Muslims who are queer struggle to make peace with their sexuality and their faith. They often trade in the one at the expense of the other and find it difficult to accept both identities.
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