Violence against women

Sans compter les agressions subies dans leur cadre familial actuel, 6% des femmes ayant entre 18-59 ans ont été l’objet d’injures sexistes en 2005 ou 2006, 2,5% ont été agressées physiquement et 1,5% a déclaré avoir subi un viol ou une tentative de viol.
"The fact that most men are forced to stay at home due to the lack of jobs, and the lack of social interaction among the refugees, has heightened tension in households," the study said.
Le gouvernement mauritanien a déclaré qu’il tentait actuellement d’augmenter le nombre de procédures engagées contre les auteurs de viols, mais avec des juges peu formés et des textes de loi obscurs et dépassés, les progrès en la matière s’annoncent lents
In Cyprus, there was a 25 per cent increase in domestic violence cases that reached the courtrooms in 2007, compared to the year before.
The Mauritanian government says it is trying to increase prosecutions of rape cases but poorly trained judges working with murky, outdated legal texts make for slow progress.
Prof. Yakin Ertürk, the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences, will conduct an official visit to Tajikistan, at the invitation of the Government, from 15 to 23 May 2008.
Close to 70 percent of all the women killed in one year in Peru died at the hands of their husbands, partners, lovers or boyfriends, and the murders were committed at home or in a place that was frequented by the couple.
Doctors at a hospital in Qalat, capital of Zabul Province in southern Afghanistan, are treating a brutally tortured woman whose husband cut off both her ears and nose, broke her teeth and shaved her head only three months after their marriage.
A study published in March by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on the mental state of Iraqis in Jordan and Lebanon has pointed to mounting social and economic problems as the cause of increased domestic violence.
A 17-year-old Iraqi girl has been murdered by her father in an 'honour killing' after falling in love with a British soldier in Basra.
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