Since March 15th there have been massive and courageous student demonstrations in the southern Iraqi city of Basra against the notorious Islamist gang led by Moqtada al-Sadr.
Tribal leaders from Sudan's divided Darfur region on Tuesday rejected a U.N. resolution referring war crimes suspects to the International Criminal Court.
The violence against Muslims which began in Gujarat in 2002 has been called one-sided and state-sponsored and has been likened to a pogrom. One form of violence could be directed only against women and girls - rape.
Sections cover what to do if a student seeks help, is going overseas imminently, or what you should do if you suspect a student may be forced to marry.
L'assassinat, dans une banlieue de Berlin, d'une jeune femme d'origine turque qui avait rompu avec les traditions familiales, après un mariage forcé, provoque une vague d'émotion et relance le débat sur l'intégration des minorités musulmanes.
La secrétaire d'Etat mauritanienne chargée de la Condition féminine, Zeinebou Mint Nahah, a organisé dimanche, à Nouakchott, une journée de sensibilisation sur les violences faites aux femmes.