"Respect for women... can triumph in the Middle East and beyond," said George Bush at the UN in September 2002. But numerous studies and surveys over the past three years proved that the situation of Iraqi women worsened under the US occupation.
Ce manuel offre des outils aux militantes et défenseurs des droits humains qui enquêtent sur les violences perpétrées contre les femmes par des acteurs non étatiques.
The Home Office has decided a specific law to ban forced marriages in the UK is not needed. It is thought the disadvantages of a new law would outweigh the advantages, and possibly drive the practice of forced marriages underground.
On June 7-8, 2006, partners from 6 African countries and the UK met to prepare a plan to fight FGM and early marriage at the international conference on "FGM and Early Marriage from the Religious and Legal Perspectives."
Sharla Musabih's mobile phone hardly stops alerting her with messages from female victims of domestic violence seeking help or refuge in the Dubai-based shelter she runs. Some sound very desperate.