State control

A few days after saying he intends to take action against Israeli professors who call for an academic boycott of Israel, Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar is scheduled to appear on Monday before the Knesset Education Committee to discuss the limits of freedom of expression in schools. Sa'ar refused to provide Haaretz with details of what action he plans to take. His statements, made in the Knesset plenum Wednesday, "speak for themselves," a spokesperson said.

اعلنت الناشطة الايرانية في حقوق الانسان شيرين عبادي الحائزة جائزة نوبل للسلام السبت ان عدد المعتقلين السياسيين في ايران بلغ 800 سجين وذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الاولى لاعادة انتخاب الرئيس محمود احمدي نجاد. وصرحت شيرين عبادي لقناة فرانس24 الاخبارية الفرنسية ان "الحكومة الايرانية لم تقبل ابدا كشف عدد المساجين السياسيين وتهدد عائلاتهم كي لا تتحدث لوسائل الاعلام. والاكيد اليوم هو ان عددهم يتجاوز ال800 شخص".

An Iranian state television program defamed human rights lawyer and Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi in a heavily edited program on 10 June, and an associate and spokesperson for Ebadi’s organization was detained, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today.

La journaliste Narges Mohammadi, porte-parole du Centre des défenseurs des droits de l’homme et collaboratrice de la Prix Nobel de la paix Shirin Ebadi, a été arrêtée à son domicile dans la soirée du 10 juin 2010 par des agents du ministère des Renseignements. Sa famille ignore le motif de son arrestation et son lieu de détention.

Update, 21/06/2010: According to the Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR), Shiva has been transferred from solitary confinement to the women's section of Evin prison, which is a public prison. In an interview with the news agency, Reporters and Human Rights Activists of Iran on 12 June 2010, Shiva Nazar Ahari's lawyer, Mohammad Sharif, said: "After two different cases brought against Nazar Ahari were integrated, the [new date for the court] session has not yet been declared to us." Sharif announced that his client had been officially accused of 'Moharebeh' (enmity against God), and acts against national security through collective action and participation in the demonstrations. Such charges attract very severe sentences under Iran's Penal Code and Nazar Ahari and could face the death penalty. Please continue to write to the Iranian authorities calling for Iran to abide by its commitments under international laws and its own constitution. 

Iranian prisoner of conscience, Shiva Nazar Ahari, spent her 26th birthday, on Thursday 10 June, in Evin Prison. Staff at the head office of Amnesty International in London wanted to wish her 'happy birthday' and call for her release. So we gathered, with cakes, to remembeer Shiva. This is our small gift to her: 

أصدرت المحكمة الثورية في إيران حكما بالسجن لمدة عامين و نصف و بالجلد 30 جلدة علي الناشطة النسوية محبوبة عباس غوليزادة و ذلك بادعاء قيامها بأفعال ضد الأمن القومي و التآمر لزعزعة الأمن العام و إقلاق النظام العام و إزعاج موظفي الحكومة. يظهر هذا الحكم رغبة الحكومة الإيرانية في إسكات و قمع المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان عامة و المدافعين عن حقوق المرأة خاصة 

Iran's government is tightening its grip, harassing, imprisoning, and using violence against its own people one year after the disputed 2009 presidential election and the start of its brutal crackdown, Human Rights Watch said today. The anniversary of the June 12, 2009 election falls two days after a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, during which Iran defied criticisms of its human rights record.

فراس برس: القوة والجرأة هي أبرز السمات التي لمستها في الاقسام المختلفة للشرطة وخاصة قسم أمن النزيلات اللاتي كنّ يتحدثن بثقة تثير بداخلك الفضول لمعرفة طبيعة عملهن خاصة انهن يتواجدن في مكان ملييء بـ"المجرمات والمشبوهات" والشرطيات يرتدين قبعة الشرطة وبعضهن يضعن النجوم على اكتافهن وبعضهن منقبات.

Iran is jamming satellite broadcasts in attempts to stop people seeing a new film telling the story of Neda Agha-Soltan, the young woman who was shot dead during the mass protests that followed last summer's disputed presidential election. Viewers in Tehran complained of jamming and power cuts on Wednesday and yesterday when the Voice of America Persian TV network broadcast the documentary For Neda, featuring the first film interviews with the family of the 27-year-old.

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