
Two local Sharia laws in Indonesia's Aceh province violate rights and are often enforced abusively by public officials and even private individuals, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The country's central government and the Aceh provincial government should take steps to repeal the two laws, Human Rights Watch said.

Deux femmes ont été flagellées en public vendredi pour avoir vendu de la nourriture durant les heures de jeûne du ramadan dans la province d'Aceh, bastion de l'islam en Indonésie, a-t-on appris de source policière.

Jantho, Aceh.With heads bowed, two young women walked toward a wooden stage outside Al Munawwarah Mosque in Jantho, Aceh Besar. Friday prayers had just ended, and hundreds of residents surrounded the platform, keeping a respectful distance but keen to watch. 

The eyes of Murni binti Amris, 27, and Rukiah binti Abdullah, 22, began to water. They feared the worst when officers of the Shariah Police dragged them to the center of the stage. The women had dared to sell cooked rice in the daytime during Ramadan, violating the 2002 Islamic bylaw in Aceh. With a quivering voice, Murni said: “Wait, sir.” She wanted to correct her sitting position. However, the man standing over her brandishing a rattan cane took no heed, lashing her three times across the back. 

Meet Ramli Mansur, a 46-year-old leader of the Aceh Party, whose members are mostly drawn from the ranks of former combatants of the disbanded Free Aceh Movement. Ramli made headlines earlier this year by sponsoring a controversial Islamic bylaw that banned Muslim women from wearing tight pants. Aceh first implemented Shariah bylaws after gaining greater control over its judiciary and legislative process when former President Megawati Sukarnoputri’s administration granted the separatist province special autonomy in 2001. 

Banda Aceh. An Indonesian court on Thursday jailed two Islamic policemen for gang-raping a young woman in custody, a case that has sparked outrage in the deeply religious province of Aceh. Mohammed Nazir, 29, and Feri Agus, 28, were found guilty of raping a 20-year-old student in a police station in January after she was arrested with her boyfriend under local laws designed to enforce Islamic morals. The eight-year jail sentence for the two men was lighter that the maximum penalty of 12 years demanded by prosecutors who said the defendants, as sharia police officers, should have better morals.

 إن الحملة العالمية "أوقفوا قتل ورجم النساء" والشبكة العالمية للتضامن "النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين" قلقان بشأن إصدار ضوابط جديدة في مقاطعة "غرب أتشيا" في اندونيسيا والذي يحرم المسلمين وخاصة النساء من إرتداء ملابس ضيقة. هذه الضوابط صدرت الخميس 27 مايو 2010 من قبل رئيس مقاطعة "غرب أتشيا". وسكان هذه المقاطعة من غير المسلمين، أوالذين يقطنون بصورة مؤقتة، مطالبون بإحترام وتبني هذه الضوابط الجديدة. وتعد "غرب أتشيا"  أول مقاطعة في أندونسيا تطبق وبصرامة "الزي الإسلامي". وإذا وقعت هذه الضوابط من قبل السلطة الإقليمية ستكون المقاطعة بأكملها مجبرة على تطبيق الضوابط الجديدة.

The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women and the International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) are jointly concerned about the issuance of a new regulation in the district of West Aceh, Indonesia, which strictly forbids Muslims, especially women, to wear tight clothes. The new regulation was issued on Thursday, 27 May 2010, by the Head of the district of West Aceh. Non-Muslims who reside in West Aceh or are temporarily present in West Aceh are also required to respect and to adapt to the new regulation. This new regulation makes West Aceh the first district in the country to strictly implement an ‘Islamic’ dress code and if signed by the Provincial Governor would eventually be enforced in the entire province of Aceh.

La police de la charia (loi islamique) commencera à distribuer cette semaine des tuniques longues aux femmes qui portent des pantalons moulants, jugés indécents, dans la province d'Aceh, bastion de l'islam en Indonésie. Quelque 20.000 tuniques longues, amples et couvrant les hanches ont été confiées à la police religieuse par les autorités d'Aceh ouest. "Les femmes coupables devront se changer immédiatement, en remplaçant leur pantalon serré par la tunique, si la police de la charia les arrête", a expliqué Ramli Mansur, le régent de cette province, à l'origine de cette réglementation locale. "Nous allons accroître le nombre de raids", a-t-il averti.

Authorities in a devoutly Islamic district of Indonesia's Aceh province have distributed 20,000 long skirts and prohibited shops from selling tight dresses as a regulation banning Muslim women from wearing revealing clothing took effect Thursday. The long skirts are to be given to Muslim women caught violating the dress code during a two-month campaign to enforce the regulation, said Ramli Mansur, head of West Aceh district. Islamic police will determine whether a woman's clothing violates the dress code, he said.

A human rights activist on Thursday slammed the humiliating punishment meted out to a teacher in Aceh Barat and the married woman he was suspected of having an affair with after the pair were marched through a village naked, tied to a pole and then brutally beaten. “To parade people around naked is not sanctioned in Islam,” said Zulfikar Muhammad, an activist from a coalition of human rights organizations in the staunchly Muslim province. 

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