
Statement by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights.
The American University in Cairo revoked the privileges of a women wearing the niqab; an Egyptian court overturned the ruling.
L’Egyptien Gamal Al-Banna, frère de Hassan Al-Banna, le fondateur de la confrérie des frères musulmans, a animé un cycle de conférences au Maroc. Rencontre avec un érudit qui prône un islam différent, loin de toute diabolisation ou de parti pris politique
Suite à la publication d’un ouvrage controversé Nawal Saâdawi, menacée, quitte l’Egypte.
The Arab Women's Solidarity Association - Belgium has created a trilingual online petition in protest of the threats faced by writer Nawal El Saadawi by non-state actors and express support for the freedom of expression and creativity in all contexts.
Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgique vous invite à signer cette pétition pour la liberté de pensée et de créativité.
Government should now ensure women’s participation at all levels of the judiciary.
Thirty-one women chosen among members of the administrative bar and government lawyers.
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