The Internal Security Ministry has confirmed that they have given a directive to all mainstream media not to publish any news on the issue of Malaysia being an Islamic state.
From the 'Your Mouth Against Fundamentalisms' campaigners, now watch the clip 'Turning the World Upside Down is Possible' / 'El mundo al revés es posible', by Articulacion Feminista Marcosur (AFM) on YouTube.
"Je dis à [la reine] Elizabeth [d'Angleterre] et à [l'ancien premier ministre britannique Tony] Blair que votre message nous est parvenu et que nous sommes en train de vous préparer une réponse précise", a-t-il déclaré.
Archbishop Akinola of Nigeria, the world's most powerful Anglican leader, tells Religion Correspondent Ruth Gledhill that his conservatism is the true faith and that evangelism can combat Islamic terrorism.