
WLUML notices with dismay that the attention of the international mainstream media is focused on a single event that, although tragic and condemnable, overwhelms all of the other issues which remain to be addressed and resolved.
تلاحظ بقلق شبكة"النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين" , في الذكرى السنوية الأولى لأيلول الحادي عشر, بان انتباه وسائل الإعلام العالمية يتركز على حدث واحد ووحيد, بالرغم من ا نه مأساوي ويستوجب الإدانة, إلا أنها بهذا تهمش كل القضايا التي يجب مناقشتها ومعالجتها.
Rioting has broken out in Indonesia's Moluccas islands following the reported killing of three women in the religiously-divided region.
Un collectif de familles de victimes du 11 septembre a déposé jeudi une plainte contre tous ceux – pays, organisations ou dirigeants politiques – qui sont susceptibles d’avoir financé Al-Qaïda.
Mianwali again saw a manifestation of one of the worst forms of religious extremism and fundamentalism in Pakistan, when Rukhsana Bunyad, a local social activist and district councilor was charged having allegedly made remarks against the Holy Qur'an.
A pregnant Nigerian student was released from custody and given temporary stay in Cyprus on Wednesday after she applied for asylum, fearing death by stoning in her homeland for having a child out of wedlock.
The text of the detailed judgment released by the Federal Shariat Court (FSC) in the case of Zafran Bibi.
In March 2002, fifteen girls died when Saudi religious police blocked rescue efforts and left victims to perish in a blazing school. But this time the sheikhs are being held to account and pressure for reform is growing.
In April the state government, led by the opposition Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), proposed a bill to institute new laws governing rape. It was set to be tabled in the State government special assembly in July.
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