
Spiritual airwaves flood the Indian sky.
Attack on Syed, a graduate student in Women’s Studies at the University of British Columbia and a veteran peace and justice, civil rights and anti-violence activist.
Les mouvements fondamentalistes (chrétiens, hindous, juifs, buddhistes ou musulmans) utilisent différentes stratégies afin de modifier les systèmes juridiques existants, dans le but de renforcer leurs projets politiques.
The Ontario government will review plans to use Islamic law to settle family disputes before the practice is set to begin in the province.
When Britain's Muslim community requested the right to use Islamic law to settle family disputes, the government's refusal was unequivocal.
Short abstracts of two, recently published, controversial books.
In the first four years following Nigeria's return to democratic rule in 1999, at least 10,000 people were killed in communal violence across the country, but in recent months, these clashes have been notably less frequent.
The Nigerian authorities have banned a procession by Muslims in the northern city of Kano, after appeals from Christian leaders.
Women fighting use of Islamic law.
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