"The issue raises a big question about Mr. Erdogan: is he dedicated to his party’s plans for comprehensive constitutional reform, or is he simply serving the interests of religion? The latter would be a grave error..."
Two major parties in Turkey have submitted a joint plan to parliament to ease a ban on the Islamic headscarf in the country's universities. Polls suggest there is strong public support for lifting the ban.
The film festival was held in May 2007 to "create a written and oral history of women in the cinema industry" with the intention of maintaining and improving relations between Turkish and foreign women film makers by bringing them together.
"Internationally, the role of women in organising and fomenting the demonstrations that have rocked Turkey in recent weeks has gone almost unnoticed. But in Turkey, commentators describe it as nothing short of a 'women's revolution'."
Le président turc Ahmet Necdet Sezer a estimé vendredi que la laïcité de l'Etat turc était menacée comme jamais depuis l'établissement de la République turque en 1923.
Le Parti pour la Justice et le développement (AKP) au pouvoir en Turquie a demandé mercredi au Parlement de convoquer des élections générales anticipées pour le 24 juin, ouvrant peut-être la voie vers une solution à la crise politique que traverse le pays