
EuroPride 2006 was billed as a Pride of diversity. Watching the morning march, with its float of gay Muslim groups Safra & Imaan, and Beit Klal Yisrael, Black Lesbians UK, as well as trans, BDSM, & many other groups, the diversity motto seemed convincing.
To a passer-by, the dress and demeanor of Lilis Lindawati would have attracted little attention as she waited in the dark in this busy industrial city for a ride home.
You are invited to view the WLUML exhibition "Dress codes & modes - women’s dress in some Muslim countries and communities."
The international press has pointed at France on 2 occasions in the past 2 years: during the controversy around the so-called 'islamic veil' at the beginning of year 2004 and during the riots in suburbs [1] in 2005. These events are intimately linked.
At the turn of the nineteenth century, Europeans referred to same-sex relationships as the “Persian disease,” the “Turkish disease,” or the “Egyptian vice.”
*Lambdaistanbul LGBT Initiative,* started some research, whose results were brought together in a book entitled *"Neither Wrong Nor Alone!"* in 2005.
A Celebration of Courage is the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)'s annual awards receptions honoring human rights activists held in San Francisco and New York.
Iran's Islamic authorities are preparing a crackdown on women flouting the stringent dress code in the clearest sign yet of social and political repression under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Homosexuality is still taboo in the Arab countries. In this absorbing account, Guardian journalist Brian Whitaker paints a disturbing picture of people who live secretive, often fearful lives.
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