
IWPS Palestine is an international team of 16 women based in Hares, a village in the Salfit Governorate of Palestine's West Bank, which began for three continuous years from August 2002.
In an article in The Toronto Star, Raheel Raza, a Pakistani-Canadian, urges fellow Muslims not to reduce God to the role of a mere policeman.
Each year some 50,000-100,000 women sustain an obstetric fistula which is a preventable and treatable condition.
Since 1952, when it was founded, the Iraqi Women's League (IWL) has played a significant role in the struggle against tyranny and oppression in Iraq.
Egyptian Human Rights and Civil Society Organizations express their protest regarding the Ministry of Social Affairs' rejection of the registration of two Egyptian human rights organizations: the Land Center for Human rights and New Woman Research Center.
Just after the liberation of Basra, as I stared at my TV watching the British military commander appoint clerics to help to run Iraq’s second-largest city, I realised that there was something familiar about it all ...
Voices Unheard - a quarterly newsletter.
At stake is not just women's rights, but Pakistan's future by Sherry Rehman.
Islamic activists in Multan, in the Pakistani province of Punjab, have threatened to burn down posters featuring images of women if city officials do not remove them within two days.
Muslim clerics in Iraq have been taking advantage of the political vacuum left by Saddam Hussein to try to impose their own strict version of Islam.